Consistency: The Non-Negotiable in Branding

by Jeanne Rolston, Senior Art Director

Let’s talk about consistency. If your brand’s identity isn’t as steadfast as your grandma’s secret cookie recipe, you’re doing it wrong. Every email, social media post, and ad you send out is a mini billboard for your brand. And just like your crazy uncle at Thanksgiving, it needs to be recognizable every single time.

What Does Brand Consistency Even Mean?

Brand consistency is all about making sure every single aspect of your brand looks, feels, and sounds the same across the board. We’re talking logos, colors, fonts, messaging, tone of voice—the whole shebang. It’s like making sure every slice of pizza in the box has the same amount of cheese and pepperoni. No one wants to get stuck with the sad, bare slice.


The Deep Dive: Brand Analysis

When clients ask for a brand analysis, we don our detective hats and dive into the history of their brand. We examine the current brand story and have a heart-to-heart with the client to understand who their dream customers are. Only after this brand therapy session can we whip up a strategy. With a strategy in hand, we start brewing up new branding elements like mad scientists.

Overall Brand Consistency

Job #1… we create a brand identity book. Think of it as the brand’s Bible. This guides everything—social media posts, ads, digital marketing, even the font on the CEO’s business card. This book includes:

– The business name, logo, and logotype.

– Consistent typefaces that scream “This is us!”

– A color palette that makes your brand as recognizable as a rainbow.

– Visual elements that give your brand its unique flair—like that funky hat you wear every day.

– “Lockups” that show off how your logo and tagline will look on everything from a social post to a Times Square billboard.

– Graphic elements that are as familiar as your favorite emoji.

– Branded templates for social media posts, web banners, business cards, and emails.

– Examples of how to use your brand in all video, audio, and digital ads.

Why is Brand Consistency a Big Deal?

– Builds Trust and Credibility: Consistency makes people trust you. Like knowing your favorite pizzeria will always serve you the best pizza.

– Enhances Recognition: A consistent brand is like a catchy tune—you can’t get it out of your head. This leads to loyalty and preference.

– Strengthens Brand Identity: Using the same brand elements over and over makes your brand identity as strong as a superhero.

– Improves Marketing Efficiency: Consistency in branding is like a well-oiled machine — everything runs smoothly, and your marketing becomes a force to be reckoned with.

– Creates Emotional Connection: Consistent branding makes people feel all warm and fuzzy about your brand, like a comforting hug from an old friend.

Every time someone sees, hears, or clicks on one of your ads, it’s another brand impression. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Brand consistency is about creating a brand that’s as reliable as your morning coffee, recognizable, and stands out in the marketplace. The greater the frequency of consistent touchpoints a consumer has with your brand, the more likely they are to become a loyal customer.

Has your brand become as exciting as watching paint dry? Have questions about revamping it and making it shine in this crazy, cluttered media world? Let’s chat. Fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out faster than you can say “brand makeover.”

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