11 Ways Auto Dealers Can Maximizing Advertising ROI

11 Ways Auto Dealers Can Maximizing Advertising ROI

In the highly competitive automotive industry, maximizing the return on investment (ROI) from advertising is essential for success. For auto dealers, every dollar spent on marketing needs to translate into tangible results, such as increased leads, higher sales, and...
Is Advertising an Expense or an Investment?

Is Advertising an Expense or an Investment?

  What do many companies do when faced with “times like these?” They stop advertising! But why? Marketing budgets get cut first because they are often viewed as non-essential costs. It’s easy to look at your marketing budget and wonder if it’s worth continuing to...
Virtual Test Drives

Virtual Test Drives

A couple of days ago in our blog post, we mentioned that test drives on YouTube are outpacing test drives at dealerships by 2:1. If you think your customers think that visiting the dealership is the only way to see if a car is right for them, think again! Online video...