It’s been said that failing to plan is akin to planning to fail. Nowhere is that more true than in marketing. This week has been designated “National Create Your Small Business Marketing Plan Week”, so BAM will be sharing 5 pro tips that will show you what you should be doing right now to help you get your 2025 marketing plan ready to rock! 

Pro Tip #1: Prioritize Data and Analytics – Build Your 2025 Strategy on a Solid Foundation

📊 Data-Driven Decisions Are the Backbone of Small Business Growth
Small businesses can’t afford to waste time or money on marketing that doesn’t deliver results. That’s why it’s crucial to start planning your 2025 strategy with data at the forefront. Analyze what worked in 2024 and where there’s room for improvement. Use insights to shape your media plan, whether you’re focusing on digital channels, traditional linear media like TV and radio, or a hybrid strategy.

💡 Action Tip: Set up regular reporting dashboards for both digital and traditional media channels. Understanding customer behavior and campaign performance will help you allocate your budget more effectively, ensuring every dollar works harder.

🔗 #SmallBusinessMarketing #MarketingStrategy #MediaPlanning

Pro Tip #2: Revisit and Refine Your Brand Positioning

Your Brand Is Your Biggest Asset—Is It Still Resonating?
Small businesses often have a unique value proposition, but markets change quickly. Is your brand still cutting through the noise? Reevaluate your positioning to ensure it speaks directly to your audience’s current needs and stands out against competitors. Remember, a strong brand isn’t just a logo—it’s a promise.

💡 Action Tip: Conduct a brand audit and competitor analysis to identify gaps in your messaging. Your brand should be reflected consistently across all touchpoints, from digital ads to traditional media. Good branding informs everything—your creative strategy, your media placements, and how you engage your audience.

🔗 #SmallBizGrowth #BrandPositioning #2025Ready

Pro Tip #3: Develop a Comprehensive Media Plan That Integrates Digital and Linear Media

🎯 A Balanced Media Plan is Key—Reach Your Audience Where They Are
For small businesses, it’s tempting to go all-in on digital marketing. But your customers are likely engaging with a variety of platforms, from Facebook and Google to traditional channels like local TV, radio and billboards. A comprehensive media plan that balances digital and linear media can amplify your reach and drive better results. The key is to understand which channels align best with your goals and audience.

💡 Action Tip: Align your media strategy with your business objectives. Use digital for targeted, lower funnel data-driven campaigns and linear media for broad, upper funnel brand awareness. Don’t overlook local opportunities like community sponsorships.

🔗 #MediaPlanning #DigitalMarketing #SmallBusinessAdvertising #DoGood

Pro Tip #4: Invest in High-Quality Creative Advertising – Stand Out and Be Remembered

🎨 Good Creative Isn’t a “Nice to Have”—It’s a Must-Have!
Your media plan is only as good as your creative execution. Small businesses don’t need massive budgets to create compelling ads, but they do need to ensure their messaging is clear, visually appealing, and memorable. Whether it’s a catchy radio jingle, a well-crafted social media video, or an eye-catching digital banner, high-quality creative helps make a lasting impression.

💡 Action Tip: Invest in a creative strategy that speaks directly to your audience’s pain points and aspirations. Test different formats and messages to see what resonates best, and carry that through both digital and traditional channels. Remember, people don’t just remember the ad—they remember how it made them feel.

🔗 #CreativeAdvertising #SmallBusinessMarketing #HighImpactAds

Pro Tip #5: Plan for Agility – Build a Strategy That’s Ready for 2025 and Beyond

🔄 Flexibility is the New Stability in Marketing
For small businesses, the ability to pivot quickly is your superpower. It can make the difference between thriving or just surviving. While it’s important to create a media plan for 2025, you need to be prepared to adapt as trends and market conditions change. Regularly review performance metrics for both digital and linear media campaigns, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments when something isn’t working.

💡 Action Tip: Create a strategy that includes quarterly reviews to assess what’s working across all channels—digital, social, TV, radio, and more. Stay open to testing new tactics and embracing new trends like geotargeting or AI-powered advertising and automation to stay ahead of the curve.

🔗 #MarketingAgility #SmallBusinessGrowth #MediaStrategy

That’s it! We hope that these tips will resonate with small business owners by emphasizing the importance of a balanced media approach, strategic planning, and high-quality creative to drive success in 2025. If you have any questions, or would like to learn about how BAM can help your small business advertise smarter, just fill out the form below. 

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