Duck Dynasty Cast

11.8 million quack-heads tuned in to watch the season 4 premier of Duck Dynasty last night. This quacks me up! OK, no more quack comments, I promise.

But this really blows me away. Last night’s showing of this hugely popular series gave A&E its biggest audience ever. EVER! This tribe of millionaire fowl hunters is a cultural phenomenon. Why do we watch? Do you watch? If so, please tell me why?

I confess, I’m a quack head. I watch to see what these guys do next. And so do millions of others. The social media buzz for this show is incredible. The next time you watch, do so with an iPad on your lap, and watch it trend. #DuckDynasty and #DuckNation have been burning up Twitter.

In case you were not among the 11.8 million viewers that caught the premier last night, here’s the link to the full episode: