We recently made a media recommendation to one of clients for an initial run of commercials on Pandora. Pandora was projecting lots of impressions for us, all concentrated exclusively in the client’s marketing area, and at a reasonable CPM. The idea of seeing AND hearing our ad content simultaneously is appealing, and should help build awareness and clicks. But in the end, we decided to punt on Pandora and go with more local radio. Eventually we will add Pandora back into the media plan for this client. But local is where it’s at for our local clients, and local media’s ability to drive traffic through our client’s front door is a proven commodity. But… we like to try different things. We dedicate a portion of our marketing budgets for digital buys, and our more open-minded clients allow us to experiment and see what new avenues provide us with reasonable ROI, and then continue with what works. This article from Businessweek and Bloomberg deals with a similar question. Question… do YOU listen to Pandora? When? Where? On what device? I’d like to know, so please post a comment below. Thanks.
Digital Advertising Advice for Your Small Business
by Bob Abbate | May 22, 2013 | Uncategorized