Marketing Your Business During a Global Crisis

Marketing Your Business During a Global Crisis

As we’re all aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a crisis of global proportions, disrupting large corporations and small businesses, closing schools and requiring people to practice social distancing and virtual communication. During these uncertain times, one of...
A Love Note

A Love Note

I recently received this handwritten note from one of our media partners. We collaborated with Jess on the planning and media buy for an event to take place at a client’s retail location. Our media partners are good hardworking folks, but occasionally we find...
Virtual Test Drives

Virtual Test Drives

A couple of days ago in our blog post, we mentioned that test drives on YouTube are outpacing test drives at dealerships by 2:1. If you think your customers think that visiting the dealership is the only way to see if a car is right for them, think again! Online video...
Why Big Brands Choose Small Agencies.

Why Big Brands Choose Small Agencies.

At BAM, we like to think of our agency as a “lean, mean marketing machine.” Because we’re relatively small, we’re always in motion, ready to react to the needs of our clients and competitive market conditions. So when I saw this article in...