Retail industry sales (excluding automobiles, gas stations, and restaurants) in the US will increase by somewhere between 3.7% and 4.2% this year, forecasts the NRF, which also expects an increase of 8-12% in non-store sales. Both figures are up from similar...
When deciding which local businesses to patronize, consumers choose ones they know and trust. If you’re a marketers looking to help your business cultivate a strong image within your local community, how can you come across as authentic, believable and local? If...
Comcast subscribers in our area had to scramble to keep track of the play-by-play broadcast of their favorite team last year. Some swithced cable providers, others found a way to catch the games online. Buy that all changes this year. Comcast inked a deal with 21st...
An analysis of the 1 million most shared articles across the major social media platforms has revealed that 9 in every 10 shares occur on Facebook. That’s according to Fractl and BuzzSumo, which teamed up to analyze social sharing between December 2015 and June 2016,...
We are Bamily. Jeanne, Julie, Christina, Ann and me. You’re like family to me. And Andy, Dave, Marty, Mario and Diane, your support is always appreciated. And our partners… Carl, Mike, Dick, Ramon, Jorge, Jim and so many more. And our media partners, TV,...